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Midyear Check In Session

Writer's picture: Western Hills FellowshipWestern Hills Fellowship

It is now June and we have almost hit the halfway mark for the year! So we think now is as good a time as any to check in with ourselves. Have you gained some new experiences since the beginning of the year? Are you actively engaged in hitting your goals for the year? If time has slipped through your fingers and you're completely surprised about how fast time is moving then you are not alone. It seems as if in a blink of an eye, almost fifty percent of 2024 is completed. Wherever you are in life, it’s not too late and we know that you can finish the year out strong. There’s a lot going on in this world so the fact that you have made it this far is a blessing and we rejoice at another day we have made it.

Here at the Zephaniah Movement we have been having a wonderful first half of the year. Consistently we have continued our push to serve God and spread the gospel. We also made sure to take time to celebrate the hard work we do day in and day out. To be able to serve God with like minded people has been such a blessing. We know that the world has fallen into difficult times and humans in general are not making the best decisions when it comes to preserving life. Along with wars, depraved actions are causing the injury and death of thousands of people globally. We encourage each one of our brothers and sisters in Christ to remember to be helpful and not harmful during these trying times. 

So many men and women believe they are on the right side of history when it comes to engaging in hateful agendas. Hate speech and damaging actions are being masked as sustainability of life when in actuality it is destructive. We know that satan will use any and everything to get as many souls lost as possible, but if we are claiming to be a child of the Most High God then we have to really lock into the Holy Spirit and ensure that our actions and words align with Him. We cannot work to “preserve” our culture or way of life when that means falling away from God. Proverbs 4:1-2 says, “Hear, my children, the instruction of a father, and give attention to know understanding; For I give you good doctrine: Do not forsake my law.” 

We know without a shadow of a doubt that God has been tugging at our hearts to pay attention to Him in these last days. So we have to ask ourselves, “Where does my attention lie?” Don’t be lulled to sleep with a false sense of security. Be on guard and ever present. The ending of this world is close. We must stay vigilant until the Lord calls us home. Know exactly why you are here on earth and where you will wake up in eternity. As our final thought, we would like to pose the same question our Bishop Jenkins asked during (Link here)Sunday Service, “Where are you going?” We encourage each person to have the same answer as Simon Peter when asked in John 4:68, “Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

We would like to leave you with this prayer:

Dear God, I thank You for blessing us during the first six months of this year and we are excited to see where you take us in the latter half. We honor You for the gift of life You have bestowed to Your people. Lord, if there is any place in our lives that we may lack, we ask that you build us up in the way in which we must be. Lord, allow us not take our eyes off of You. The world may fall apart but You are forever. We shall serve You forever, We shall be faithful to You forever. We give our lives unto You, Father. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

1 Comment

Jun 04, 2024

Great Word of reminder as to where we are in theses end times!

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