We are more than halfway done with January 2025. We are well into a new year and have more than likely set new goals for ourselves. The United States has a new president in office and with that comes new cabinet members and policies. For the Zephaniah Movement COGI we are in full swing with a new early morning service at our West location. (You can find out more information here.) Our world is currently abuzz with newness all around us. Newness can signify wonderful things like change and growth; the shedding of the old and worn down. It can also mean the transition from one thing to the next. As newness sits on our minds we pray that newness also sits on your spirit.
2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have
passed away; behold all things have become new.” We can keep this scripture close to our hearts knowing that sin does not and will not continue to stain us when we become new creations in Jesus Christ.

And through the infilling of the Holy Spirit we can confidently walk forevermore as children of the Most High God. The things that become new are our mindset, love for each other, and especially the promises of God. His promises for His children have always been for us being reconciled to Him, making heaven our home, and being joint heirs with Jesus. But now that we are walking as His children, there’s a closeness with God that we could not achieve before because sin separated us. Now that we have died to our old selves and way of life, God can begin a new work in us. We rid ourselves of thoughts of the old self and focus on the new.
As we begin to walk in this newness we would like you to also remember Ephesians 5:8. It states, “For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” We implore you to know that we don’t have to and shouldn’t walk deceitfully in this world. We cannot profess Christianity if we do it hatefully or through corruption. Christianity is not a hat we can put on and take off in certain situations. It is a way of life, a way of the heart, and most definitely a way of our spirit. If we could so easily take it off did we ever really have claim to it? Oh yes, we may make mistakes as Christians but to knowingly circumvent the word of God is folly for all men! Our time here on earth is winding down and now is not the time to go against God and follow man. As we move forward, we will continue to see others who profess Christianity get caught up in the darkness of the world. Let’s not be one of those people. We have started in the light, let us continue.
Do not become disillusioned by the “Christians” we see in the media who may give a false perception of Christianity. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 warns us to not be deceived by any means and especially by those who put themselves higher than God. Make sure you are watching with eyes wide open and with full discernment by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. When He does, we must take heed to the warning. Seek the kingdom of God for yourself and allow God to guide you to find a church home that is rooted in the Word of God. This is our own salvation walk and we must treat it well during our time on earth. Are you taking responsibility for your walk or are you allowing others to lead you? We pray that it is not the latter. In this new year, let us walk in newness and not be afraid. Amen.
Dear reader, we would like to leave you with a prayer:
Heavenly Father, we thank You for this brand new year of 2025. Thank You for carrying us to this next year of life. We are excited to continue this journey. Father, we pray that our reader is able to establish, maintain, and thrive in a relationship with You. Let this be the year that they begin to hear You better than they ever have before. We pray for a hedge of protection around their mind, body, and spirit as they walk with You. When fire comes, allow them to not be burned but be in the midst of them in the same way You were with the three Hebrew boys. We thank You again for the beauty of newness and we celebrate the opportunity to bask in it. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen.