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The Gathering Continues!

Writer's picture: Western Hills FellowshipWestern Hills Fellowship

A great move of God has taken place on the grounds of the Zephaniah Movement! Our first installment of The Gathering Tent Revival was a success and we couldn’t be more grateful to God for leading us on this mission to lead His people back to him. We were in preparation mode for months making sure that everything was in order. We were a hard-working, united front in taking care of business. It really took the efforts and special talent of each member to plan and execute this massive event. We were excited to be able to do God's will and we dedicated countless hours. As we went along, we learned new skills for this preparations. The Lord rewarded us for our efforts because everywhere we turned we received favor, every door we knocked at opened unto us, and prayer that went up blessings came down. We prepared and the Lord provided. What an amazing God we serve!

We were in awe of God even more when the tent was placed on the church grounds the day before revival. The cumulation of prayers, efforts and faith brought us to a moment of thankfulness. Before, we could only trust the vision, now we were experiencing it.

Let’s take a moment to think about our faith and where it stands right now. Are we working on the instructions given to us by God for our lives? It’s easy to get caught up with the world and other things we may deem as priority but it is up to us keep our eyes on the prize: heaven. The tent was a physical representation of the hard work we completed and the Holy Spirit blessed us with His presence in that tent. Standing in the tent was a spiritual moment that weighed heavily on each person. It was as if God was saying, “You did your work. Watch Me do mine.”

Each day was special and held its own standard on the beauty of God. On opening night, Elder Joubert let everyone know that they could be unburdened of their heavy load of the world. She emphasized that if we give our lives to Christ we could give our burdens to the Lord and He would carry it. The first day, and each night after, God met us right there in the tent. The second night we were swept up in our emotions by Pastor Wooden as he reminded us that salvation is obtainable for each of us. As he opened his mouth to speak, our hearts opened up to the Lord for healing and salvation.

The world is so crazy that some of us forget the simple things God is asking from us. He wants our hearts. Both nights were an awakening experience for a lot of people who have never been to a tent revival. We began to see souls come to the alter to get cleansed of sins and receive salvation. This was the first time for some to return back to God and for others this was a trip home that they’ve taken previously. In both cases, we pray that the night they received salvation be the beginning of a wonderful relationship with God.

The praise team did a phenomenal job beginning each service with praise and worship music. We got to usher in the Spirit with music that went throughout the neighborhood. We were a sight to see from the streets each day. There were numerous people who just drove by and came to service. Even more people slowed their cars down to see what was going on at the corner lot. There was even a group of people who watched from afar as we ministered to the world. God allowed his people, The Zephaniah Movement, be shown to the world and we are thankful for the opportunity. One of the biggest highlights of revival was our founding Bishop, Juanita Parks, getting to see her prophetic vision from many years ago of The Gathering coming to fruition. Each night she got to see how her faithfulness to God has manifested and trickled down to generations after her.

Friday’s Youth Revival Night was jam packed with a good time for all. Christian Artist, P. Rich, came out to minister to the youth. He performed a few of his hit songs and testified to the youth about his journey to God.

Then Holy Spirit moved through Elder Reese as he walked us through his testimony of how the Lord delivered him from a life of sin. The world has made a mockery of testifying on being delivered from sin but we got to witness first hand the true power of salvation. To be made new in Christ is to be free from all sin, and to be filled with the Holy Spirit is to be free from sin forever. Saturday morning allowed us to come together on one accord for intercessory prayer. We made sure to thank God for the souls that were saved and pray for the ones still to come. We were on a mission to be obedient every step of the way during this week.

Saturday evening afforded everyone the opportunity to get healing and deliverance. It didn’t matter if the ailment was physical, spiritual, mental or emotional; healing was for the taking. Our world is falling into chaos and people are hurting from what is transpiring. The ultimate mission for us is to lead these hurting people to a healing God. Arch Bishop Jenkins gave us a word from the Lord and then used her healing touch from God to bring help to those who need it.

To see people make up in their minds to get help like never before was a beautiful moment to witness. God is near to the broken hearted and cares about each one of our pains. So to see how God cared enough for this special service is a reminder that we are never forgotten. Our gathering on Sunday morning was wonderful and had us all abuzz with excitement for the baptism. A big unexpected surprise was multiple youth made a decision for themselves to be baptized. They may be young in age but their hearts for change and for God struck a chord with everyone in attendance. To be young and full of faith is a testimony that some may not have gotten the chance to experience. We are so humbled by their hearts for God and inspired by their bravery in righteousness.

The Zephaniah Movement has been walking on cloud nine since the first installment of The Gathering. We were fed in such a spiritual way that has left us full and eager for more of the Lord’s blessings. If you’ve missed out on experiencing revival then don’t be too upset. The Lord is still beckoning His children to Him and we will continue The Gathering. The next one is July 28th & 29th. Oklahoma has been reaching hotter temperatures outside but that will not deter us. Safety is important and we will plan to have revival inside if it gets too hot. Different setting. Same mission. It doesn’t matter outside or inside, the Holy Spirit will be invited to have His way and move on the people. The way that God showed up at the first gathering, we know that He will do it again.

Dear reader, we would like to leave you with a prayer:

Heavenly Father, as this newsletter travels the globe and reaches the masses, we thank You, Lord, for each reader who has taken the time to connect with us. We thank You for this gift of life because it is an honor and privilege to be a child of the Most High. We glorify Your Holy name because You are worthy to be praised. We pray that each soul reading this understands the love of God and the depths that You are willing to reach for each of us. We ask that Holy Spirit set our hearts ablaze with the confidence and boldness to spread the good news of our savior, Jesus Christ. We pray that the Lord fortifies our minds, body and sprit until the day that You call us home. We ask all these things in Jesus name. Amen


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The Zephaniah Movement, COGI

11501 N. Western Ave

Oklahoma City, OK 73114

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