As humans navigating our daily lives we tend to come across a myriad of choices: left or right? Yes or no? Hot or cold? Sometimes these choices only affect us on a small level and usually just consist of personal preference. For the Christian, one of our most fundamental choices is whether or not we have faith. Having faith in God, His Son and The Holy Spirit is the foundational principle of our belief. It is not enough for us to just do the work of Christians like going to church, being kind to others, tithing, and volunteering. No, we must also have the faith that God is real without ever seeing His face. We must have faith that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he died on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. We must believe that Jesus left the Holy Spirit as a comforter and keeper. We must have these beliefs as we build our relationship with God and learn more about Him.

Dear reader, we ask that you take a moment to ask yourself, “Do I have faith in God for my life?” This question is imperative because if we believe in God then we believe that we are dead in sin and our old way of life and that we are alive in Christ. We trust God to lead and direct us. We can admit that sometimes it is easier to trust God than others. It can especially be hard to trust God when His way seems like it is leading down a difficult path. But when that moment does arise we have to dig deep and trust that God is leading us down the right path.
In the book of Numbers, chapter 13, Moses sends the leaders of each tribe to spy out the land in Canaan. The Lord was giving this land to the children of Israel. After 40 days they returned with the news that it truly was flowing with milk and honey. On the flip side of that, the cities were fortified, the enemy was in all directions and they seemed to be stronger than Israel. Of the men who went out and spied on the land, only Caleb and Joshua believed that they would be able to overcome and take possession of the land. The people of Israel were filled with fear and complained about the moves Moses was making on God’s behalf. Surely, if this was a regular strategic battle then there would be need for alarm and hesitation. However, the people of Israel were making moves ordained by God. The same God that has proven Himself to them on multiple occasions. Up until this point everything God has professed had come to pass. So why must Israel show fear now?
Maybe it was because the men who were the leaders of their tribe were hesitant. Maybe the thought of fighting stronger people seemed like a lost cause. Or maybe Israel just thought it would be easier to just be slaves in Egypt. It could be all of these things and more but in this moment it was clear that the people lacked faith in the God that has been guiding them day and night. It is so easy to read the bible and question their foolishness during that time. However, let us be introspective and check ourselves.
Let’s take a moment to ask ourselves a few questions: Has there been a moment where I didn’t trust God for direction in my life? Have I ever gone the opposite direction because I was too afraid to move forward? Whatever the case may be and just in case you come to a decision making moment like Israel, we would like to remind you of an important scripture from Numbers 15:41, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God. I am the Lord your God.” Cling to this verse when the enemy comes and brings fear to you. God will not bring you to a place to leave you in despair and downtrodden. Like Israel, He wants the best for you, His child. God wanted to give His children a land that they could be free in and instead Israel chose fear. If God is leading you to it, choose that land of milk and honey and let Him get you past adversity.
Let us leave you with a prayer:
Heavenly Father, we are thankful for Your love and grace. We are grateful that you care to see us thrive and not be downtrodden. Father, we ask that You give us the confidence we need to have faith in You and Your work. We ask Father, that when we must choose between faith and fear we choose our faith. Build us up into the warriors You need us to be while we wait for Your return. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen.